Answer our quiz questions and find out who your best friends are right away!
The phrase that best describes your skin is…
And even today it is so shiny that I can look at myself in the mirror!
Here it is dry… Here it is shiny… Dry… shiny… dry… shiny…
Everything is normal… And what is this? A pimple???
If I don't treat it, pimples. If I treat it, I get irritated. To treat or not to treat?
Everything is in order…aaaahhhh! And what is this? A pimple???
Or it's tight and itchy, or it's rough and cracked, or it gets irritated.... ppfffff!
What do you look for in a friend for your skin?
That it fights with me every day against pimples and blackheads
That it gives me fresh skin that is free to breathe
That it helps me keep my skin clean
That it annihilates pimples as soon as they appear
That it makes me forget the shiny effect
That it takes care of me and makes me shine
That it pampers my skin even when I remove it
That it also protects my hands
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